Go suggests movement. It suggests forward movement. It does not imply sitting on the fence. It suggests motion and emotion. There are all sorts of other questions related to this request to go. These include knowing or having an idea at the beginning of how, when, where why and with whom you intend to go.
Why should you be concerned to go and “make your life matter?” Do you not have enough to do with all the pressures on your time? These pressures are going to increase. In fact these pressures are likely to increase exponentially as was the case over the last century. The result will be increased burnout in mind and body.
This can be avoided. I believe it is important that you learn to understand how you intend to go into the future. This is not something esoteric. This is common sense. At least it used to be common sense. Now very simple techniques that assist well-being and happiness have become uncommon sense.
Making your life matter will bring you to your senses. You are so speeded up in mind and body that sensuality, sexuality and feeling good are something that many of you now find in some form of addiction.
Making your life matter will make you feel more attractive. Your energy will flow in one direction other than several. This is because you will be clearly focused. You will be unafraid to have your own mind rather than be a clone of every opinion that happens to be fashionable at various times. You will become attuned to an intelligence that is beyond time and creates all things out of Love.
You will learn to know what matters beyond simply making a living. You will be unfolding a loving being. This being is YOU. It has always been you. You are merely in disguise. The unfoldment of you will bring beauty and harmony into your life and this will radiate outward into the world.
I can give you many many reasons why you will benefit from making your life matter. When you have read these and considered the option of taking the next step you are still left with taking the next step.
You and I often feel powerless at the events that happen in the outside world. As a result of this we learn to armour your minds and bodies to protect ourself. We feel powerless and so over a period of time we shut down. Our energies cease to flow. We become like a finely tuned six cylinder motorcar that has shut down five of these cylinders.
You are functioning but you are not truly alive. You are not as children are who dance their life’s energy until they have been told enough times NO. This poem Desiderata invites you to a celebration of YES saying. This is to say YES "I matter and I am going to make a difference not only in my life but also in the lives of others."
Do not think that this is arrogance. When you journey through this blog you will make a difference but it will be with a true sense of humility. This is not a popular feeling in a world so full of self-interest.
You have the power to choose. You can choose to ignore the fact that you are unique talented and loving or you can step onto the path of the hero and GO. You may not now feel any passion in taking this step. This is normal. The suggestion that you are important simply for being is not one that you have been taught to embrace.
It is my Work as a writer to encourage you to embrace this extraordinary potential that resides in the mind and body of each and every one of us. There will be those of you who strongly doubt this as a possibility for yourself and others. I believe that you are miraculous and that this is part of your nature.
You are still left with the decision. Do you take the next step or not? If you decide to take it, then what is it to be. That is the question. I am not here to convince you that you SHOULD take the next step. That would be a subtle violence. Rather let me suggest that you test it to see if you get any results. If you find that the information contained herein is not working then you are free to discontinue.
You are free to GO.
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