Monday, September 14, 2009

Living as Love in Action

As an Irish Mystic Storyteller I invite you to live the unique story that you have come here to live and to be. You came into this world as the dance of Love in form.

What has happened to you since? You have been told stories that have blinded you to your true nature. If you are reading this article then you are interested in a story that helps you to become a seer and a visionary for your life?s Work (not necessarily your job or career). This is the great invitation from the short story that is contained in the poem by Max Ehrmann entitled Desiderata ? meaning, ?list of desires.?

The list of desires that you are invited to experience within your culture will eventually make you listless. Everyday you are bombarded by messages that tell you that you need this product in order to fit in, in order that you look beautiful, in order to be the right shape, in order to ad infinitum.

In this way you become addicted. You become addicted to a way of life based in a log list of desires that you become enslaved too. Much of what passes for work in our modern world is a form of slavery in which you mortgage your life force for some future promise of happiness.

This article and the invitation that is Desiderata is a different kind of story and the invitation to a very different way of living and being in the world. It is a way of freedom that allows you to go and become the beauty you are here to be.

A desideratum promotes Love in Action. This is the meaning of the opening invitation ?go placidly.? In those two words you have the full movement of creation. In those two words you have the possibility of the dance you can become. You have the masculine principle represented by the word ?go.? You have the feminine principle held in the word ?placidly.? These two are the creative dance of energy in form. You are that dance.

Most of us are on the go. Our days and our nights are filled with the doing of our lives. Many of us are addicted to our work. It is an addiction that is culturally approved. We invite our young people to become addicts to the work ethic without any awareness of what it is to do real work as the movement of Love in Action.

How do you begin to learn the dance of Creation? You begin with the first step of the dance. This is the focus of your intention. More on this to come. Remember that there is a full learning program centred on Desiderata becoming available at The Anam cara Experience website. This learning program teaches you to distinguish between Love in Action flowing from your deep hearts core rather than the addictive desire promoted by a culture that denies your birthright as a dance of Love in form.

Remember desire can become and is intended to become addictive. Learn the dance of Love in action. This is not just more information but a new and radical way of being the beauty in form creation invites you to become.

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